Monday, July 25, 2011

Sun City, Arizona Laughs along with the Amazing Aging Dictionary

Aging women have achieved three categories of identities: first as an individual, second as a friend or a partner, third as a member of the world community. Quoting from the Amazing Attributes of Aging; Silly and Sacred Stories of Blue Garter Friends dictionary, one woman may be allied, another brave, another direct, some are independent, most joyful, loving, mindful, peaceful, tranquil, unique, welcoming and zeitgeistful. Yes, many are "zaftig" as well. That word brought tears of laughter to the women attending our book presentation at the Bell Library.

The diverse audience nodded as vignettes from our book reminded them that "behind every successful woman is herself," "the older you become, the more likely you are to be an exception.," and to quote Coco Chanel "On the feminine psyche: Women can give everything with a smile, and with a tear take it all back."

Our next presentation of "Friendships to Remember" will be in St. Peter, MN on September 25. For more information, contact us through our website: